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With a rich pool of talented software developers, 乌克兰已经确立了自己作为技术专长中心的地位, creativity, and innovation. According to the Washington Post, 在2022年开始之前,五分之一的财富500强公司已经与乌克兰IT专家合作.

Even though the war hit suddenly, 尽管困难重重,乌克兰的科技行业仍然保持强劲和蓬勃发展, playing a crucial role in supporting the economy.

Despite air alarms and power outages, 乌克兰的IT公司重申他们坚定不移地致力于提供世界级的服务,因为他们继续致力于项目并签署新合同. 

我们Kindgeek很自豪能成为我们祖国坚韧的典范. Let's get to know each other!

From Lviv to the world: introducing Kindgeek 

We are Kindgeek, 这是一家全周期软件开发公司,位于欧洲最后一块隐藏的宝石之一, in Lviv, western Ukraine. 我们80%以上的项目涉及金融科技,这是我们的关键专业领域. Yet, 我们还积极为教育领域的行业领导者开发解决方案, healthcare, media, and retail.

Being on the market for eight years, 我们已经成长为一家拥有200多名雄心勃勃、充满激情的专业人士的成熟公司,他们拥有相同的价值观,并代表公司推动自己变得更好, themselves, and our homeland, Ukraine.

Breaking barriers, overcoming adversity: our story

经过八年的工作,金奇克已经经历了三次重大危机. 一开始,乌克兰东部的战争开始了. A few years later – the Covid-19 pandemic. Now – it is a full-scale war. Yet, none of them has affected our growth. 在这段时间里,Kindgeek继续表现出稳定和扩张.

Being headquartered in Lviv, 在这里,一切都比较平静——距离活跃的敌对行动600多英里,距离波兰边境43英里——我们帮助其他地区的员工搬迁到西部或国外.

While the safety of the people has been goal number one, 第二个目标是确保公司继续为客户提供高质量的服务. To ensure flawless workflow in case of power outages, 我们在办公室里安装了一台发电机作为备用电源,还有几个不间断的互联网接入点. 除此之外,我们还计划很快开设其他几个工作地点. 

To support employees from other cities, Kindgeek推出了一项政策,为租用联合办公空间和安排工作场所提供补偿, including purchasing power banks, batteries, and other equipment to ensure energy autonomy.

Values at the core, even amidst war

For us, 公司价值观不是花言巧语——这是我们所坚持的, and these principles lay the groundwork for everything we do.

Now, in the face of war, 我们坚定地继续坚持我们的信仰,并自豪地再次重申我们的价值观.

Trust and transparency

对于Kindgeek来说,信任和透明度是齐头并进的,始终是核心. 我们很高兴地看到,在我们继续开展项目和签署新合同的过程中,我们的客户对这些问题给予了积极的评价.

"From our side, 我们公开地与客户沟通每个特定项目的情况." – Yuriy Gnatyuk, co-founder and COO of Kindgeek.


Social responsibility

In Kindgeek, we have always strived to positively impact our community, city, country, and, consequently, the rest of the world. 

Apart from being a member of WEP, launching the social project LvivLand, and several educational initiatives for local universities, we also actively support Ukraine in today's reality. We fight in the IT army, transfer funds to Ukrainian Armed Forces, donate to charity funds, and launch our own charity initiatives.

But most importantly, 我们尽我们所能支持我们的国家——为我们的国际客户开发创新的解决方案. 

Sense of beauty 

As a company, 我们力求创造的软件不仅能满足客户的功能和业务需求,还能让用户感到愉悦和兴奋, being visually appealing. 我们相信美学可以提升用户体验,使我们的产品与众不同.

在Kindgeek,我们一直高度重视美学,并通过我们所做的工作来展示这一点. But this year, 我们更进一步,推出了我们越来越引以为傲的新品牌项目.

Unveiling our new look for 2023 and beyond


今年的品牌重塑是我们多年来持续增长的一个重要里程碑, celebrate numerous international achievements, and a more improved focus.


Yes, the times the world goes through are challenging. But the greatest are those who stay resilient no matter what, keep fighting for a better tomorrow, and bring value whenever and wherever they are. And we are proud to be among such people.

The future

拥有200多名行业专家,我们继续在公司的各个领域扩张. 多年来,我们的行业专业知识越来越深,能力越来越广. 我们提供从商业构想到实施的全周期产品工程服务.

Being passionate about innovations, 我们不断利用新技术,成长为金融科技产品和服务生态系统. 我们匹配创新技术,如区块链,机器人,人工智能,AR/VR和NFT/WEB 3.与我们的客户和合作伙伴的具体业务需求.

我们坚定地迈向未来,坚定不移地致力于成为积极变革的平台, 建立基于信任和透明的长期伙伴关系,使我们共同受益并扩大规模.

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