
Unwrapping the Top 电子邮件 Marketing Tips to Help Your eCommerce Brand This Christmas

From crafting captivating campaigns that embody the holiday spirit to treating your customers to the gift of discounts and freebies, there are many things you can do to ensure your brand shines as bright as Rudolph’s nose.

这是提升你的电子邮件营销游戏的季节, 所以请坐, 裹紧, 喝杯茶(或热红酒), and check out our top tips to help grow your eCommerce brand this Christmas season.


Designing eye-catching emails that align with the Christmas theme is a great way to entice customers and encourage them to engage.

使用节日色彩, 图片, and graphics in the design and Christmas-themed ad copy in the email body and subject lines to capture your audience’s attention and make them instantly realise that it’s a Christmas-themed campaign.


没有什么东西比一个大的更令人向往和值得点击, limited-time offer that makes the customer believe they’ll be missing out on if they don’t follow through. 

这并不需要像“99%的折扣”那样广泛,” but treat your email subscribers to a decent discount to make them believe it’s exclusive to them. 这里的主要目的是创造FOMO.

“限时24小时销售”是完美的. 它不仅吸引顾客购物, but it also gives them enough time to shop if they’re unable to read their emails as quickly. 不要用30分钟的折扣吓跑人们, as a lot of your customers may not be in the position to purchase then and there.


Highlighting your bestselling products is a great way to showcase the best of the best you have to offer. There’s a reason why your customers shop your products (and why they shop some more than others), so help your other customers down a similar path by encouraging them to purchase those very same items.

Make sure you load this email (or emails) with FOMO-inducing copy, subject lines, and design work. Using phrases such as “our bestsellers are going FAST” will make customers want to be a part of the action and join those who’ve already purchased. 


Don’t miss out on marketing towards your customers who are showing the intent to purchase but are dropping out at the last minute. Curate specialised abandoned cart or abandoned checkout emails that offer another incentive to purchase.

You could go as far as giving a 20% discount to users who fall into this category to encourage them to go back on-site to continue shopping. 让顾客知道你关心他们的服务, and they may be more inclined to shop with you at that moment and also in the future.


User-generated content (UGC) is such a valuable arrow to have in your quiver of marketing tools.

利用UGC有一个 为你的品牌带来的好处, 包括建立真实性和信任, 建立品牌忠诚度, 比网红营销更具成本效益, 多功能性, 还有更多.

如果你在UGC旁边的电子邮件中展示你的产品, 它不会只做以上所有的事情, but it can help the customer to see and picture how your product is used, 穿, 应用, 等.

There are many creators out there who resonate with different brands and industries, 所以,四处搜索一下,找到最适合你公司的人. 


不管你多大, we all love opening a door on an advent calendar each day and discovering what’s inside. Get customers excited to open their emails by offering them 12 days of Christmas-inspired offers or discounts.

如果你向顾客承诺每天都有全新的促销活动, they’ll be likely to come back and open their email to discover what it is you’re offering them. 

Many brands already make use of this offer, so don’t fall behind the curve!


Have you ever struggled to find that perfect present for that friend or family member and wish you could have found a curated gift-giving guide to help you? 为什么不给你的顾客提供这种服务呢?

There are bound to be people on your mailing list who have no clue as to what to give to the closest people in their lives. So give them a hand and create a specialised gift guide to help them at every turn.

如果你需要一些十大网博靠谱平台如何制作圣诞礼物指南的建议, 点击这里查看我们的博客.


Reward your email subscribers with exclusive discounts or early access to Christmas promotions and product launches.

通过这样做, you can foster a sense of loyalty amongst your subscribers and make them feel valued and appreciated. 反过来, this loyalty could translate into increased engagement and a higher likelihood of converting email subscribers into paying customers.

Your subscribers will also see you as a company that appreciates its customers and may be more likely to stay as repeat customers or even encourage their friends and family to sign up for your mailing list and purchase from you.

在一天结束的时候, customers remember generosity and value it highly when considering who to shop from.

Leveraging email marketing during the festive season can bring plenty of benefits to your eCommerce business; there are many techniques to increase customer satisfaction and ultimately drive sales.

